Tuesday, August 03, 2004

Liz Twin Soul

Everyday the windmills turn
A procession of wind being watched
The long petals unfurled into its path
Some days the wind drifts someplace else
The arms reaching limp
When my soul collapses to my toes
I long for thee twin soul
Where you are is the opposite of my whole
Two iron cores make our plasma whole
In-between a storm of lightning bolts unfurls paroxysmal blues
You do your work for the universe in silence
I do my work for the universe with noise
Yours has been a harsh journey
Where stone throwers have lined your path
Where poisons sweet have been fed to your passions
Where your faith was decorated by betrayals
Yet blindly persevering in your quest
Seeding magic as you walk
Your twin soul Stood by and watched
tragedies in procession
Insufficient in my valor full of squalor
Noise makers always make things rattle
Perusing every aspect of our sedentary existence
I demoralized all thoughts to spawn the negativity of our polarity
A duty is a duty
I have not feigned from mine with antimatter proportions
Where there rises no hope to zero
Where we have traveled through hearts with heartless manner
Where our expeditions have been fierce and the tigers drawn near
Where I remember paper airplanes amazed at their propensity for flight
And you running away and crashing into walls
And the long rope that always hanged us
The fences of our youth were so surmountable
The friends so easily redeemable
The laughs
so unfettered with fire