Tuesday, August 03, 2004

I can’t fly faster than a fly

I am waiting for a very important message
It is going to tell me who I am
Very important message
My friend Rosa
She is writing it down as we speak
She knows all my problems that I don’t know myself
She loves the real me which I could love but don’t know yet
My friend Rosa is going to tell me who I am and I am eager
Can’t think that I would be a disappointment to meet
I have a lot of interest in liking myself
Easiest person to love is the one that one is nearest too
I am closest to myself, only I am waiting for my friend Rosa
To tell me whom I really am
I have been avoiding myself
And have some greater view of me which she is about to down size
The more real the you that you love
The more genuine the love that you will give yourself
I am in love with a hero version of myself
Which is like superman loving superman and not caring about anyone else
And not accepting himself for being all powerful and faster than a fly
I am not superman
I can’t fly faster than a fly
I can’t even fly
But my friend Rosa is going to ground me and tell me where I am so that I can meet myself there and love me
It is ok to think that you are special as long as you don’t get carried away by superman